Friday, 1 September 2017


Text in Transliteration:
Yoginaam api sarvesaam madgatena ‘ntaraatmanaa
Sraddhaavaan bhajate yo maam sa me yuktatamo matah
Text in English:
And of all yogis, he who worships Me with faith, his inmost self merged in me,--him I hold to be the most devout.
All those who practise meditation, concentration and purification of the mind are good yogis. A purified mind easily gets at whatever it wants to own. That yogi excels who, instead of turning his powerful mind on minor deities and mundane things, devotes himself to the worship of Iswara, the Supreme Goal. There is no higher state than this to be attained by man.
Meditate on Enlightenment and Bliss which are Eternal. Then you gain Bliss which is everlasting. This in the ordinary man is shrouded in ignorance. As your desire for sense pleasures declines, your devotion to the Lord develops into divine thirst.
The characteristics of Jivatman, the individual soul, have so far been expounded in these six chapters. To what extent the Jivatman can elevate himself has also been enumerated. There is no purpose highly evolved soul can apply himself. The following six chapters are devoted to the definition of Iswara and the development of Bhakti. This last stanza in this chapter gives the link between the first six chapters and the second six chapters. It is indicated here that the development of one form of yoga into another is as natural and spontaneous as the evolution of a boy into a youth. Karma yoga evolved into Raja yoga, and this again is going to evolve into Bhakti yoga.
After giving a long account of the yoga discipline, the obstacles to be overcome, the teacher concludes that the great yogin is the great devotee (bhakta)
Among all yogis: He who worships Me, the Absolute, is superior to tose who worship the lesser gods such as the Vasus, Rudra, Aditya, etc.
The inner sef merged in Me: The mind absorbed in Me (Cf. VI. 32).

Comments by the blogger:
Karma Yoga and Raja Yoga has been explained in the first six chapters. According to Swami Sidbhavananda this sloka forms a link to the next six chapters or discourses. Karma Yoga should find fruition in Raja Yoga and that itself may become fruitful when it subjects itself to the Yoga of Devotion or Bhakti Yoga. Elsewhere, it has been defined by the Lord that people from all sides come to Him. The three Gunas, by name, Satvic (Knowledge and light), Rajas (Fiery Action) and Tamas (Inertia and darkness), find in all human beings in varying degrees. Srimat Bhagavat Gita takes care of all kinds of people. Namely, people in whom Tamas or inertia or inaction predominates and next Rajas or Action is found with Satvik or Knowledge forming the undermost trait are also taken care of. The three gunas in varying degrees form four classes of people, by name, Brahmin, People with and given to Knowledge, Chatriya or Warrior Class, Vaisya or Traders and Agrarians and lastly Sutras or those people in whom the Tamas or inertia predominates forming the Class which carries out services to all the other three Classes. The Gita period was when there was no water tight compartmentalisation between classes. A Sutra may become a Brahmin and a Brahmin if he exhibits tendencies of Sutras become Sutra indeed. Thus, when Gita was given to this world the walls segregating and dividing the four Classes were not tight but nebulous.
Sri Krishna Himself proclaims himself to be the Creator of four kinds of Varna or Colour or Classes. Because there was no form of untouchability maintained in the society then.
But what I wanted to tell you was that only in the Hinduism, which is not dependent on the life history of a single person, various traits of people are taken into consideration and various form of Yoga is stipulated to every individual. In Christianity and Mohammedanism, only Bhakti Yoga or the yoga of Devotion alone is prescribed to all types of people.
People vary according to the predominating guna or Trait. If all people with differing Traits are prescribed one single yoga with one single Holy Book to follow, the problem arises if the Rajasic or people with Fiery Action tend to interpret their scriptural text in a more aggressive manner and all sorts of violence come to affect the society.
For example, the ISI people want to establish an exclusive Muslim State for the whole world. In the early times, in the name of the Holy Bible and Christian Church various Cultures which had evolved several thousand years before the birth and advent of Jesus Christ had been annihilated. All in the form and name of one single book, howsoever holy it might be and one man howsoever authoritatively holy he might have been. Now we, the whole world, witnesses with trepidation the ISI warriors. Such warriors are there in Hinuism also and they have been prescribed Karma Yoga(the yoga of action) along with Bhakti Yoga(the yoga of Devotion).
This is why there is no conversion policy in Hinduism. Only the other two principle Faiths indulge in unwarranted and untoward Conversion through all means. Tens of thousands of millions of Dollars come to India to convert people to Christianity. The ISI sees the whole world as the Muslim State and wants to put to violent death all other people speaking to other faiths.
Only in Hinduism all the four kinds and Classes of people with three varying traits or gunas or characteristics have been taken care of. Because Hinduism evolved over a million years ago. No individual Man or Woman had started Hinduism.
In the early days, Christians came to propagate their religion with the full help and permission of the Rulers and kings and Maha Rajas here. Likewise, Muslims came to propagate their faith and the mighty India welcomed them too. Thereafter India came to be ruled by Mohammedans and Christians and a ruthless scheme of conversion took place in India. With the result, there are 15 crore people in India now who are either Christians or Mohammedans. The Constitution allows them to propagate their religions. Huge amounts of money are sent from America and European countries on the one hand and the Saudi Arabia on the other. But Hindus are tolerating all sorts of nonsense.
In the TV channels uninhibited religiously intolerant message is beamed in to our drawing rooms. But any Hindu or Hindu leader speaking about the greatness of the Hindu Religion is dubbed as Hindu Fundamentalists.

iti srimad bhagavadgitaasoopanisatsu brahmavidyaayaam yogasaastre sree krsnaarjuna samvaade dhyaanayogonaama sastho ' dhyaayah

    In the Upanishad of the Bhagavad Gita, the knowledge of Brahman, the Supreme, the science of Yoga and the dialogue between Sri Krishna and Arjuna, this is the sixth discourse designated:
                                            THE YOGA OF MEDITATION       


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