Text in Transliteration:
manmanaa bhava madbhakto madyaajee maam namaskuru
maam evai ‘shyaasi yuktvai ‘vam aatmaanam matparaayanah:
Sanskrit words and phrases and their meaning:
manmanaah: = with mind filled with me; bhava = be thou; mad bhaktah: = my devotee; madyaajee = sacrificer; maam = unto me; namaskuru = bow down; maam = to me; eva = alone; eshyasi = thus; aatmaanam = the self; matparaayanah: = taking me as the supreme goal.
Text in English:
Fix your mind on Me ; be devoted to Me ; sacrifice unto me ; bow down to Me. Having thus made yourself steadfast in Me, taking Me as the Supreme Goal, you will come to Me.
A selfish man resorts to God to have his desires fulfilled and his individuality preserved. But the injunction of the Lord to the discerning devotee is different. The sadhaka or the practitioner is not to practise escape mentality nor is he to develop quietism. On the other hand his talents have all to be harnessed to make life a fulfilment. In dedicating himself and his service to the Divine he gets himself utilized to the maximum. As the river gives itself to the ocean and becomes one with it, the devotee gives himself to the Lord and becomes one with Him.
It is not the personal Krishna to whom we have to give ourselves up utterly but the Unborn, Beginningless, Eternal who speaks through Krishna. The way to rise out of our ego-centred consciousness to the divine plane is through focusing of all our energies, intellectual, emotional and volitional on God. Then our whole being is transformed and lifted up into the unity and universality of spirit. Knowledge, love and power get fused in a supreme unification. Joy and peace are the result of self-oblivion, of utter abandonment, of absolute acceptance.
Fill thy mind with me. Fix your head, heart and hands on Me. Get your heart in tune with Me. Become a true worshipper. You will secure eternal bliss. Having known Me, you will cross beyond death.
The whole being of man should be surrendered to the Lord without reservation. Then the whole life will undergo a wonderful transformation. You will have the vision of God everywhere. All sorrows and pains will vanish. Your mind will be one with the divine consciousness.
Just as the pot-ether becomes one with the universal ether when the limiting adjunct (pot) is broken, just as the Ganga and the Yamuna, leaving their names and forms become one with the ocean, so also the sage gets rid of Avidya (ignorance) and all sorts of limiting adjuncts through the direct realisation of the Self and becomes identical with Para Brahman.
Yuktva means steadied in thought, having thus fixed the mind on the Lord, knowing that I am the Self of all beings and the highest goal. (Cf. V. 17; VII. 7, 14; XVIII. 65)
Comments by the blogger:
We can go to the Lord after death in the present incarnation! This one sloka or Verse shows the way. We need not become great yogis of other types. Let us become the Bhakti Yogis. And harvest the fruits of all forms of Yoga.
But the worldly obligations are there. They pull us down. They would not allow us to give our all to the Lord. So what do we do?
Before that we should know the way of the Bhakti yoga. fixing our mind on the Lord is not so very simple and easy. Even the day-to-day affairs distract us. The daily occurrences like the arrival of our son or daughter from school on time gets us pull all stops. If there is a delay of ten minutes for the school van, we get to be so very concerned. The bus that daily takes us to the office should come on time. Mostly it comes on time. But occasionally there is a delay. That makes us grow old with concern. There are every day occurrences which make us become so very worried that we cannot think of bestowing time to God even on a daily basis. I am not speaking of all of you. Those whose preponderating guna is satva they might not be boggled down by everyday concern. But even they have long time and short time goals. If they cannot realise them, they become concerned.
But if we know how to bow down in heart at all the times to the Lord and make first small sacrifices then bigger one and become staunchly devoted to Him we will be able to fix our mind on the Lord.
If it is possible we can gradually make ourselves steadfast in Him, taking Him as the Supreme Goal we can enjoy the Heavenly pleasure even here on the earth. All our energies will be focused on the Lord.
But we need not think and fear that such a life will make us sacrifice the worldly things completely. No, we lead our daily life. But we lead our daily life with a difference. Before now, we would have been leading the life for ourselves. Now we will lead life for the glory of the Lord. We will eat and drink and be merry as always, but we will sacrifice everything and enjoy the same in the name of the Lord.
{and my dear readers and visitors of this site, the 9th chapter ends with this verse. And the 10th chapter is known as Vibhuti Yoga or the yoga of Divine Manifestation. But it deals with the Lord telling us in which things of the earth the manifestation of the Lord is predominant. Even though the Lord is manifest in each and every thing in Nature, He selects certain important things and men and gods as his Special Manifestations. I have nothing to add to the great and able commentaries by our three able commentators. So I am not going to write any puny comment of mine only for this chapter containing 42 verses. You will understand my reasoning and logic after you have read two three verses. And I will come back to harass you with my puny comments from the chapter 11 onwards}.
iti sreemad bhagavadgeetaasoopanishatsu brahmavidyaayaam yogasaastre sree krshnaarjuna samvaade raajavidyaa raajaguhya yogo naama navamo 'dhyaayah:
In the Upanishad of the Bhagavad Gita, the knowledge of Brhman, the Supreme, the science of Yoga and the dialogue between Sri Krishna and Arjuna, this is the ninth discourse designated:
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