Text in Transliteration:
Saamkhyayogau prthag baalaah pravadanti na panditaah
Ekam apy aasthitah samyag ubhayor vindate phalam
Text in English:
Children, not the wise, speak of knowledge and performance of action as differen; he who is truly established in one obtains the fruit of both.
‘karma sanyasa’ which culminates in ‘jnana’ is described here as ‘samkhya’. Those who do not understand the purport of the Scripture are designated as children. Theory and practice are interrelated and interdependent. Right understanding leads to right doing; right doing brings in right knowing.
In this chapter, yoga means the karma yoga and saamkhya means the intellectual way with renunciation of work.
‘children:’ the ignorant people who have no knowledge of the Self, and who have only a theoretical knowledge of the scriptures.
Children or ignorant people only say that knowledge and the performance of action are different and produce distinct and opposite results. But the wise who have the knowledge of the Self say that they produce the same result only, viz., Moksha or liberation. He who is duly established in one, he who truly lives in one sankhya or yoga, obtains the fruits of both. Therefore there is no diversity in the result or the fruit. This is the gist of this verse. (Cj. VI.2)
Comments by the blogger:
Both the practitioners of Saamkhya Yoga and Karma Yoga attain Salvation. That is, both the roads lead to Rome. Indeed, all roads lead to Rome!
Saamkhya Yoga is the Yoga of knowledge. Karma Yoga is the Yoga of indulging in non-stop and selfless actions. Both result in Self-Realization or Salvation.
How could all roads lead to Rome? The above two are explicitly designated as the two paths with similar result of Moksha or Salvation.
Yes, very much so; but the Lord of Gita knows only too well that the majority of his creations among the Homo Sapiens would not come under either of the above two categories. That kind of people form the miniscule minority. If India has more than a billion people, it is difficult to see more than a million Yogis of the above kinds. The rest of us are watered down karma yogis and saamkhya yogis.
What is the watered down version. Such people have knowledge about the knowledge of yoga and they defenitly indulge in non-stop action, of course, preponderatingly or predominantly for selfish reason. But limited selfishness or refined selfishness is the basis or the mighty rock on which has been raised any Democratic State not excluding that of India.
The Lord knows this. But He can’t be expected to take lessons for inferior students alone. He, while taking care of the watered down yogis of the world, undertakes the mighty task of defining the state of the real and great Yogis of both kind.
Anyhow, as we have already seen that every atom of the cosmos forms the holistic whole of this fluxing Universe, the watered down yogis are not to be counted out of the reckoning. For, as we have seen elsewhere, today’s watered down yogi is tomorrow’s great Samkhya Yogi or Karma Yogi. We have to attain Salvation by gradation through millennial age of the universe.
Where is time for such Salvation for all the people of the world?
Time is not the essence of the Universal Contract.
There age of this Universe is unthinkable.
For instance, we shall see the Chapter Number VIII, and Verse Number 17. Sri Krishna says in this stanza: “Those people who know the day of Brahma which is of a duration of a thousand Yugas (ages) and the night which is also of a thousand Yugas’ duration, the know day and night.”
In his commentary, Swami Sivananda says, “The Suryasiddhanta speaks of the same division of time. According to it: Years
Kaliyuga (with its Sandhya and
Sandhyamsa) consists of 432,000
Dvaparayuga (do) 864,000
Tretayuga (do) 1,296,000
Kritayuga (do) 1,728,000
Thus the Mahayuga consisting of these four Yugas comprises 4,320,000
71 such Mahayugas with an additional Sandhyam at the close
Of 1,728,000 years make one Manvantara of 308,448,000
14 such Manvantaras with another Sandhya, at the close of
1,728,000 yearst constinute one Kalpa of 4,320,000,000
Two Kalpas make a day and night of Brahma of 8,640,000,000
360 such days and nights make one year of Brahma consisting of 3,110,400,000,000
100 such years constitute His lifetime of 311,040,000,000,000”
Gosh, what a way to calculate, you may exclaim. Our scientists have calculated the rest of the life of our Sun, after which there will be no sun and everything here would be engulfed by darkness. That is
roughly to be stated as Brahma’s night’s commencement. The universe came into existence much before the Big Bang. For that also they give a period of time. They give the exact number of years that have passed since the Big Bang. (could the Big Bang itself be the first nuclear fission God had caused rise to!?) For there calculations they apply various method. For example, to calculate the Sun’s age they calculate the years since the first nuclear fission or the Big Bang. And they apply another method for the rest of the age of the Sun during which it will continue to shine. For this they calculate, going by the size of the Sun, the gas-mass the Sun now has in possession of. They know how much of the hot gas is used up for the Sun to shine in 24 hours. By dividing, I suppose, the number of gas-mass or the cubic metres of the Gas of the present Sun they arrive at the figure of time or years till which the Sun will shine.
And, Jaggy Vasudevji of Velliyangiri Hills who is the proponent of the Esha Yoga pertinently says that once the Sun loses its mass of gas, the Moon will cease to shine in the night. And as a result women’s menstrual cycle would stop and they will stop to produce children or procreate. Then it would be the question of when the last of the Homo Sapeans will die. And with him the Pralaya would have ended and Brahma’s night would have started!
So there is ample time for the majority of us all in the world to attain Salvation in a Brahma’s day. Here Brahma should be distinguished from Brahman of the Vedas or the Ultimate reality which has no namaroopam or name or physic. Whereas Brahma is a human being who would attain his salvation at the end of his life cycle.
Here one more thing should be looked into.
Even at the commencement of the another Brahma’s another day, there would be souls who had not attained salvation. And they would be yet again beamed onto the world’s platform to start their efforts at salvation!
Are these all to be believed?
Why, the Modern Science has proved that the so called infinite Sky has a definite shape and is finite indeed. And the earth is round and it revolves around the Sun while rounding on it’s Southern Most Point. Can we see all these or feel and form an intellectual understanding thereof? Still we believe the scientists, don’t we?
Believe, the Ultimate Truth cannot be understood by human mind. But among us a miniscule minority indeed become realized souls and can understand all these.
Life is a great mystery and God is the greatest mystery novel writer!
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