Friday, 13 January 2017


Text in Transliteration:
na kartrrtvam na karmaani lokasya srjati prabhuh
na karmaphala samyogam svabhaavas tu pravartate
Text in English:
The Lord does not create agency or actions for the world; He does not create union with the fruits of action. Nature does all this.
Due to ignorance the individual self identifies himself with Nature or Prakriti and assumes ownership over karma and its consequences. Actually, all work belongs to Nature and not to Atman.
Prabhuh is the Sovereign Self of the knower, the Real Self which is one with all that is.
 The Lord does not create agency or doership. He does not press anyone to do action. He never tells anyone, “Do this or do that”. He does not bring about the union with the fruit of actions. It is Prakriti or Nature that does everything. (Cf. III.33)

Comments by the blogger:
In the Bible, the Christ says that He is the Good Hope and, “Go and spread my words to all in the world.” Jesus Christ and Bible explicitly lay down the does and don’ts. You can indulge in these things and should not indulge in these things. According to the Bible, (The Old Testament) the Lord took six days to create this world and on the seventh day he took rest and that is Sunday. The whole weekend culture of the Europeans and Americans have justification on these words. God is omnipotent and why should it take six days to create the world is the first question and the next is the logical corollary: can anything, any action, tire the omnipotent Lord? This brings into question that the Holy spirit, according to the Holy Bible, too is subject to that to which Man is. Man also is capable of action and he tires too and needs rest! Then it is the next step to assume that the Holy Spirit does need to eat, drink, sleep and empty like Man! If you accept one thing the legion of the resultant possibilities are only natural and legitimately logical corollary!
The Mohammedanism also speaks of the things human beings can do and those that should not do. That some acts are haram and others are acceptable. The rigidity of the Holy Quran leaves no room for interpretation according to the changing conditions of the ages. Marrying four wives were acceptable in those days of the Prophet Mohammed Sal, as there was gross inequality in the rate of population of women to men. Men also died in the Holy wars necessitating their widows to be remarried. So, in the initial days of the Holy Quran marrying four wives were perfectly acceptable. Even the Mahatma Gandhi asked young men to marry the women raped by the white men for their rebellion. They were all female soldiers in the cause of the nation obtaining independence. But in these days there is no justification for any Muslim man to marry four wives. The great soldier, the so-called sword of the Allah the Great Bin Laden had four wives! This is exacerbated when the triple talaq is put into operation. Thankfully the Allahabad High Court’s judgment in this regard has been upheld by the Supreme Court.
But that is beside the point.
Now the topic of argument is whether God had a direct hand in creating agency or actions for the world.
The ancient Hindu Seers were able to understand the Scheme of the Universe some nine thousand years ago from now, according to the calculation by Swami Vivekananda.
God can never create agency or actions for the world. For then He would be held directly responsible to the actions indulged in by the Men and Women of this world. He would be as much responsible for the Vedopanishadic Seers and Sages’ actions as the raping of Nirbhaya! Can anyone tell with a clear conscience that it was God who was responsible for the looting, raping and murders inside the Somnath Temple in the North India? Actions also include the thinking and imaginations. Can anyone claim that God is responsible for all the imaginations and thinking that go around in even a good and honest man?  A man is not a good man for not entertaining any bad thoughts and imaginations. Man’s mind is often likened to a monkey. It is totally impossible to hold the mind as pure and as holy as a Temple. All sorts of good and bad things enter the imagination and thinking faculty. Man is a hero if he is able to war with the Hyde inside of him and come up with the Jekyle and lead a good life. So how can God be held responsible for all the tumultuous and sinful things that go through a man’s mind?
And the Lord of Gita also proclaims that He does not create union with the fruits of action. And that Nature does all this.
Nature does not see whether a man is a theist or atheist. It does create union with the fruits of action. Otherwise the atheists cannot have a happy-go-lucky way and call themselves rationalists. Nature is a mother, school and hospital. It looks out for our internal evolution, our external evolution having come to an end, so we can be properly schooled in umpteen number of births and deaths and births again, and acts also as a hospital for the grossly worldly men and women and cure them in gradation of their worldliness and increases their Godliness through many births and deaths. This is the strength of the Hinduism that accepts reincarnation. God, having created the world leaves it alone and does not interfere in its day-to-day’s function. There is a large significance in this assertion of God. And it goes to the Vedopanishadic Sages to have understood the scheme of the Universe in the proper way. That is how the Hindu way of life endures over the millennial march of the world while all other civilizations have died away. There is much scope for interpretation of even Swadharma according to the changing times of the Ages. This resilience is possible because the Hinduism is not dependent upon the life history of one person howsoever superior He might be.   


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