Saturday, 13 February 2016


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      THE WAR

The physical war that takes place at the kurutchethra , the war place, also has allegorical connotations and importance. We all should fight a war of our own inside of us. There is the good doctor and the bad character in the celebrated novel, Dr. Jeckle and Mr. Hide. There is good as well as bad in us. The good self always wants us to follow the path of righteousness while the bad one wants to do every evil thing possible. Man’s character  is according to his victory over or losing out to the evil one in him. Why should there be good as well as evil one in us? It is the choice given by the Creator. Apart from HIM, every thing here is duel. No single thing can exist in its supreme individuality, except God! So, dualities is our inheritance as that of the universe. The good and verdant nature all of a sudden changes in to a villain and erupt into an all engulfing earthquake! If there is good , there must, of necessity, bad too, according to the plan of the universe. And it is man’s duty to win over his lower self by his higher one. If there is light, there should be shade too. Day must always be followed by the night. Good cannot exist here in its individuality except in its constant juxtaposition with the evil. Man is made of stuff, like the universe, both good and evil. Our body is the chetra or ground on which the personally individual battle must be waged constantly. That also is a war of dharma yudha. There , our good self is asked upon to kill the bad one, and we grieve, thinking that the other part is our kin. But , God, in the form of the soul asks of us continually to kill and annihilate the evil self.

Thus the Bhagavat Gita must also be looked upon from different stand points of view. If we do this, the main criticism that the book or treaties is a thing that induces one to kill one’s own people , kith and kin!

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