Saturday, 18 June 2016


Text in Transliteration:
Tattvavit tu mahaabaaho gunakarma vibhaagayoh
Gunaa runeshu vartanta iti matvaa na sajjate
Text in English:
But, O mighty-armed, the one intuitive into the nature of Guna and karma knows that Gunas as senses merely abide with Gunas as objects, and does not become entangled.
 There is a kinship between the senses and their respective ohjects. They are both constituted of the same elements and of the same Gunas. The element fire for example has its own combination of Gunas. Emitting ligh is characteristic of fire. The combination of Gunas in fire takes one form as the sense of sight and another form as the objct of sight. Because of the sameness of nature in both of them sense experience becomes possible. And this is the fact in regard t all the five senses. Atman which is consciousness, remains unaffected by the sensation, even as Ajasa is substratum to the dashing couds. The sage who realises this truth is free from entanglement.
Prakrti and its modes represent the limits of human freedom such as the force of heredity and the pressure of environment. The empirical self is the product of works even as the whole cosmic process is the result of the operation of causes.
He who knows the truth that the Self is entirely distinct from the three Gunas and actions does not become attached to the actions. He who knows the truth about the classification of the Gunas and the respective functions understands that the qualities as sense-organs move amidst the qualitites as sense –objectes. Therefore he is not attached to the actions. He knows, “I am Akarta—I am not the doer.”
Comments by the blogger:
What is in the ‘Anta’ or the Univers is in the ‘Pinta’, or the human body. The Anta or the Universe is made of triguna, namely, Sattvic, Rajasic and Tamasic. These three gunas in the Anta or the Universe are in perfect equilibrium. That was well before the Big Bang. And at that time there was no creation. And the universe was in perfect internal alignment with three gunas. There was one single huge planet and the rest was the infinite sky. At that time there was perfect equilibrium. There was no creation. But the object of this perfect co-ordination between the single planet and the vast sky with the three gunas was to move toward Creation and disruption in the perfect equilibrium in the three gunas. That objective had to be brought to bear by the Big Bang. We should never forget that the  Big Bang was to facilitate creation and consummation of God’s purpose for this universe. The one and single planet was the representative of the ‘prana’ or shakti and the rest was the infinitely extending sky. The Big Bang was as pre-ordained as the creation of organic being. We should never forget this. The Big Bang  was not an accident or coincidental thing. Silly it would be to think so. After the big bang the one planet of hard palpable and tangible thing broke, and that was the first atomic fission. For the entire and huge and single planet just one atom had to be split and that had probably happened because of the internal creative pressure somewhere inside the huge single planet, and with the result of the big bang the whole universe, not necessarily as we see it tody, came into being. (for it should have taken million of trillion light years for the Milky Way and other planatory configuration elsewhere to have happened). Nothing was without the purpose. And the purpose was creation of the single cell organism. The Big-Bang itself was a God-Pre-Ordained event. Even before that the single planet in the vast vacuous sky was scintillating with the universal and cosmic intelligence along with the sky. The Big Bang itself might have been cause by the force exerted by the vacuous and infinite sky on the single planet continuously. At some pre-ordained time the three gunas existing inside of the single planet and the vast sky outside might have become of the single palpitating value and vibration. When the said two vibrations met for a split second, (there was time before the Big Bang for the huge planet was a cauldron and it emitted light continuously so the there was only day and no night!) there was atomic fission brought to bear inside, in the middle of the of huge single globe or planet which was in elliptical in form. The sky also should be elliptical or oval in size like everything here in being and non-being. We have nine elliptical holes or nine oval-sized holes in the body, note the incidence and all the planets are elliptical or oval in size. Man has nipples though he has no use for them, and it was because of the proximity he had had for nine months to female organism, His mother, who has big half-oval sized breasts. If the two breasts were to be cut at the base and joined end to end so that the cut part would become into contact, there would be a perfect one single OVAL SIZED breast. ) Before the big bang the single and enormous planet was like the yoni or the vagina of the creative Goddess or Force, and the nuclear fission that had taken place inside of the elliptical and single planet was an act of vast non acting sky, Lord Shiva, and the Shakti or the great single elliptical vagina or yoni of the planet, was the first love making! The sky has energy and it has resent quantified. But it remains non acting.
Just imagine the underwater ship or submarine (nuclear or otherwise) and the thickness of it’s steel wall determine the maximum deapth it can attain in the mighty ocean. Because there is water body’s pressure on the body of the underwater ship’s body and if the ship dives more than it’s steel wall could withstand, then the Oceanic waters’ pressure would breake it like it were just a co-conut shell!
The same is the case with the singe planet, a vast yoni or cauldron or Sri Dhevi and the vast almost infinite sky all around it and the energetic pressure it had been continuously brought to bear on the planet. The love making was the longest one taking million of trillion years and the ecstatic moment occurred when the vibrating number of the yoni or the planet and the sky or Lord Shiva came to a meeting point. When the atomic vibrating number co-incided for that split second there was a mighty fission we call the Big Bang! It was the Brahmic extacy enacted in honour of Creation. (we have already seen one Brhamic bliss includes..... and the Big Bang was just an infinitesimal quality and quantity of that Brahmic Bliss!
After the Big Bang other elements like gas, water and earth were made as the children in honour of that cosmic coitus!
Now, after the Big Bang several thousands of millions suns were created out of the centripetal force with which the fissiparus parts as small as the earth and the moon. Several millions or trillon parts are still travelling, at the speed of ligh, away from our own sun from the moment of the Big Bang! Such the the volume of the elyptical sky!
After the Big Bang seasons came into being as the offshoot of the day and night owing to the planets circling our sun. Thus the night was created by light by default after the Bang. The darkness has it’s own power and value. For it acts upon our Tamasic tendency and brings sleep having set our biological clock. And dream and dreamless sleep are the products of the night. And we should give respect and worship as much to the night as the daylight!
When the Big Bang occurred, several million suns were born and around them several planets were made to travel in an elypticl yonic way! And there was torrid places on the earth as well as snow clad mountains. Some times heavy heavenly objects from outside the eleptical circle came crashing toward the earth and banged on such snow clad mountains and becase of the impact and simultaneous heat and the resultant chemical reaction in the frozen water in the iceberg single cell organisms came into existence.
These single cell organisms had the cosmic intelligence besides partaking of the cosmic body which is the conglomeration of the Five Primal Elements like, earth, water, air, fire and the sky. Atom is nothing but the shakti, infinitesimally small point of shakti encapsulated by the sky.
Thus what is there in the ‘Anta’ or the Universe or cosmos, is there in the ‘Pinta’ or animal body, including human beings’.
The Universe has the three primal Gunas, Tamasic, Sattvic and Rajasic and we also have them. So these Gunas are at once senses and sense objects. It is the sense in us goes out to be among the sense objects. So all the actions are wrought out by the Universe through us. This is what is mentioned in verse number 27 also. But the Nirguna Braman or fondly called by the Vedhopanishadic saints and sages as ‘Turiyam’ have these senses and thus no proclivity to have attraction for the sense objects. We are indeed single light point of that Turiam, the Nirguna Brahman. That is what our Self is. But we are robed of our knowledge of this fact and thus we always want to indulge in sense pleasures. Once that is known and intuited, then the compulsion to indulge in the sense objects voluntarily goes out, but we eat ,drink and sleep and do other self ordained actions knowing fully our senses alone go to inhere in the midst of the sense objects and we are pure Self! The moment this happens the light of knowledge dawns on us.
But till then we have to do our pre-ordained duties or swadharma, and Arjuna’s swadharma as an incomparable warrior is to give battle to his enemies. We have to turn the bondage giving actions into bondage annihilating or killing actions. And this can be done only by carrying duly our swadharmic actions without no personal stake in them. Then, by gradation the pull of illusion exerted by mother Nature on us would fall asunder by gradation and we would get to seeing our true Self which is contemperoneous with the TURIYAM , THE NIRGUNA BRAHMAN!

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