Text in Transliteration:
prakritim svaam avashtabhya visrjaami punah-punah
bhoota graamam imam kritsnam avasam prakrter vasaat
Text in English:
Animating my Prakriti, I send forth again and again all this multitude of beings helpless under the regime of Prakriti.
The act of animating the Prakriti or Nature takes place on a miniature scale at all levels of our existence. Waking up in the morning all beings writhe, wriggle and twist their limbs in order to animate them. We animate the field by ploughing it. The beast is animated with a whip. The pupil is animated with a shake up. In all these acts spirit is infused into matter. At the beginning of a Kalpa, Prakriti comes from the unmanifest to the manifest state, being animated by the Purusha. Beings then helplessly and spontaneously come into existence even as we helplessly wake up from sleep.
The manifest nature when lit up by the Unanifested Self produces the objective universe with its different planes. The order and nature of development are determined by the seeds contained in nature. Only the Divine Self must take hold of it.
The ego is subject to the law of karma and is therefore helplessly obliged to take embodiment in the cosmic life. In IV. 6, it is said that the Divine assumes birth through His own maya, aatmamaayayaa. Human souls are not lords of their action. While they are subject to nature, the Supreme controls nature and is not helplessly driven by prakriti through ignorance. In both cases, the means of creation is maya. In the divine embodiment, it is yogamaya, atmamaya, prkriti which is filled with the light and joy of the Supreme and acts under His control. In human embodiment, it is avidya maya. The human soul is entangled in ignorance and is helplessly bound in its work, through its subjection to prakriti.
The Lord leans on, presses or embraces Nature. He invigorates and fertilises Nature which had gone to sleep at the end of the Mahakalpa or universal dissolution and project again and again this whole multitude of beings. He gazes at each level and plane after plane come into being.
The term Prakriti denotes or indicates the five Kleshas or afflictions, viz., avidya (ignorance), Asmita (egoism), Raga (likes), Dvesha (dislikes) and Abhinivesa (clinging to earthly life). (Cf; IV. 6)
Comments by the blogger:
Dr.S.Radhakrishnan says that the human soul is entangled in ignorance and is helplessly bound by its work through its subjection to prakriti.
We learned through Lord at the beginning of His teaching that the soul is imperishable, and it cannot be burnt by fire, dried by air, wetted by water and cleaved by sharp instruments. Neither it kills nor is it killed. And then we learned from the Lord that the human soul enjoys the world through the body. And while the person is asleep, It enjoys life through dreams.
So only its subjugation to Nature of five Kleshas as enumerated by Swami Sivananda. Swami Chidbhavananda gives fine examples of the word ‘animation’.
What we should understand is this is not our last birth. I mean most for most of us. At the beginning of this blog, several Yogis belonging to the Thiruparaithurai Matt and the one founded by Swami Sivananda had lent their photos to be exhibited as images. My image section of the online page was overflowing with images. And I foolishly left writing this blog for several months when I was engaged writing a mammoth novel. And then when I came back all the images had been withdrawn. I felt very much and I was cut to the quick. But I knew it was a just punishment. (Hereafter I would be very regular with my daily posting. And as such, I pray all of them to lend their images to that section of my online page.) Those Yogis and Yogini will not come again after their Maha Samathi.
And there may be any number of great souls like them for the record shows 5,500 page views for the Holy Gita Blog. All those great souls will not come back again after their Maha Samathi.
But others like me would come back again and again. But, the only solace is we have assured human births each and every time we come back here. And we also have assured, by a regular study of Bhagavad Gita and chanting of the Lord’s Name and regular prayers, we would attain emancipation before the night of Brahma arrives. It would be a pity to remain in a dormant stage for 311,040,000,000,000 human years when Brahma’s night sets in. But that is reserved for the rapists of persons like Nirbhaya and ISK folks and leaders like Hitler and the serial killers knowing full well the consequences of their actions.
So we need not unnecessarily be afraid of the dormant period.
But we should not leave space to self-complaisance. We should read Gita regularly. That alone gives us suitable rebirth in suitable families of high souls. We should glorify the Lord.
But the Lord sends forth, animating His Prakriti, again and again, all the multitude of unwary beings who are helpless under the regime of Prakriti. This is the fate of that ‘minor’ who pierced Nirbhaya with a sharp instrument after raping her black and blue. We, so long as we study Gita and pray and chant His Holy Name, need not be afraid of such a fate.
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