Saturday, 3 November 2018

Continuation of the comments by the blogger to the verse number 33, chapter number 11, of The Holy Gita.

Continuation of the comments by the blogger to verse number 33, chapter 11 of Bhagavad Gita.
We have seen that actions like murders and raping are not Lord’s actions and the murderers and rapists are not acting just as the instruments in the Hands of the Lord. But why should the Lord specifically state in the verse 33, chapter 11 of Bhagavad Gita that all actions of killing of the warriors on both sides have already been done by HIM and all Arjuna needs to do is to become just an instrument in carrying out what Sri Krishna wants to do!
Sri Krishna states as above at the risk of being misunderstood by some people. Sri Krishna is not afraid of stating something and staking His arguments as boldly as in the verse number 33. Sometimes a verse in the Bhagavad Gita is self-contained and such verse can be taken as an independent advice and mantra. At the same time, the Lord has stated many times in Gita which are not independent verse in the sense that they may be taken as a completed advice by the Lord of Gita and followed by the faithful devotees. Verse number 33 is one such verse and mantra which has to be understood in the  backround of the Lord’s main theme in the Gita. The Lord of Gita is not afraid of being misunderstood. And the Holy Gita is defenitly not for those weaklings who need to be spoon-fed all the time. An unfaithful man can argue that if all the actions are belonging to the Lord and human beings are just instruments in His Hands. An unfaithful man may ridicule others for putting their unflinching faith in the Lord’s teachings in Gita by pin-pointing verses like the present one. We have to have lots of faith in the teachings of the Lord in Gita. Yes, the Lord says in the verse number 33 that He has already killed all warriors including Bishma and Drona and all Arjuna needs to do is just become consciously an instrument in the hands of the Lord Master. But actions by murderes and raping are not the acts of God and they are carried out by unscrupulous people who have won in suppressing the Lord’s voice inside of them and give overmastering importance to their selfish and wrongful and sinful needs.

Here the warriors of Dhuriyodhana including himself are put to death by God who wants Arjuna to act just as an instrument in His hands and kill and slay those warriors not excluding Bishma and Drona who are fairly fit to be worshiped by Arjuna. Those warriors have written and scripted their own fate  by their commissions and omitions. The Verse 33 does not contemplate any particular act of warriors on the side of Dhuriyodana but relates to actions carried nefariously by Dhuriyodana and others on his side right from the time when Pandavas and Dhuriyodanas were studying as pupils un the able master Drona as teenaged children. Countless are the maleavelent acts indulged in by the Dhuriyodanas against the Pandavas. Right from the beginning of their education  under Drona as young pupils the Dhuriyodanas have been indulging in sinful and utterly nefarious acts so that Pandavas could be put to death. ALL THESE ACTIONS OF THE DHURIYODANAS HAVE SCRIPTED THEIR FATE THAT WAS GOING TO BE WORKED OUT ON THE BATTLE FIELD OF KURUKSHETRA. IT IS THEIR FATE INDEED THAT HAS HASTENED THE DHURIYODANAS TO WAGE THIS WAR.  THE UNSCRUPULOUS ACTS OF THE DHURIYODANAS HAVE ACCUMULATED AGAINST THEM AND THE DHURIYODANAS’ FATE CONSISTING OF THEIR BEING KILLED AND FINISHED OFF ON THE FIELD OF KRUKSHETRA AND THIS IS THE EFFECT OF THEIR OWN INDEPENDENT AND SELFISHLY SINFUL ACTIONS ON THE PART OF THE DHURIYODANAS. IT HAS AN INEXORABLE EFFECT OF BEING KILLED AND IN THIS MANNER THE DHURIYODANAS HAVE SCRIPTED THEIR OWN FATE ACTING QUITE INDEPENDENTLY SELFISHLY AND SINFULLY. THOS ACTS OF THE DHURIYODANAS RIGHT FROM THE EARLY TIME WHEN THEY WERE YOUNG PUPILS WERE NOT ACTS OF GOD EITHER. THEY HAD BEEN COMMITTED CONSCIOUSLY IN THE EXERCISE OF THEIR INDEPENDENT CHOICE. THE INEXORABLE EFFECT OF THEIR BEING KILLED AT KURUKSHETRA WAS THE EFFECT OF A HUGE BUNDLE OF DHURIYODANAS’ ACTIONS RIGHT FROM THE BEGINNING ACTING AGAINST THE URGE OF GOD’S VOICE AND THIS INEXORABLE EFFECT IS CONVENIENTLY BEEN REFERRED TO AS GOD’S ACT HERE IN THE VERSE NUMBER 33.                                                  

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