pita ‘si lokasya charaacharasya
tvam asya poojyas cha gurur gartyaan
na tvatsamo ‘sty abhyadhikah kuto ‘nyo
lokatraye ‘py apratima prabhaava
pitaa = father: asi = (thou) art: lokasya = of the world: chara acharasya = of the moving and unmoving: tvam = thou: asya = of thispoojyah = to be revered: ch = and: guruh = the Guru: gareeyaan = weightier: na = not: tvatsamah = equal to thee: asti = is: abhyadhikah = surpassing: kutah = whence: anyah = other: loka traye = in the three worlds: api = also: apratima prabhaava = O being of unequalled power.
You are the Father of this world moving and unmoving. You are to be adored by this world, You the Greatest Guru; none there exists, who is equal to You in the three worlds; who then can excel You, O Being of unequalled power?
If there were more than one Iswara, there is the possibility of one counteracting the doings of another. That would lead to confusion and chaos. But Iswara being unparalleled and His suzerainty supreme, the entire creation adores Him as the Greatest of the great and as the All-powerful.
There exists none who is equal to Thee: There cannot be two or more Ishvaras. If there were, the world will not get on as it does now. All the Ishvaras may not be of one mind, as they would all be independent of one another. What one wishes to create, another may wish to destroy!
When there does not exist one who is equal to Thee, how could there be one superior to Thee?
Father: Creator. As the Lord is the creator of this world He is fit to be adored. He is the greatest Guru also. Therefore there is no one who is equal to the Lord.
Comments by the blogger:
God in His Turiya form is Only ONE.
But He is worshipped by the Hindus through a great many numbers of deities. This may be viewed by others as self-contradictory thought or idea. But numerous Gods being worshipped by the Hindus is for the sake of the devotees. Both the Holy Bible and the Holy Koran address only one type of devotees. They teach Bhakti Yoga or the Yoga of Devotion only. But we can’t put all the humanity in a straight jacket. The beauty of Hinduism is that it addresses all the four types of human beings and taking them not as a mass but as an individual unit or being; none is left out. Among human beings belonging to any religion of the world, there are four types. The first type of human beings is the humble and sentimental type. For them, the correct form of worship is to surrender themselves to God and show their DEVOTION to the Lord. This type of human beings are taken care of by the Bakhti Yoga or the Yoga of Devotion. But there are a number of persons who notwithstanding their staunch FAITH IN GOD are not belonging to the sentimental type. They cannot worship God in the way the faithful and humble and sentimental persons. For they are endowed with non-stop action. They are fully devoted to unceasing action and activities. For this kind of people, the Yoga of Devotion would not be of great help. They cannot be expected to sit in the Puja Room and offer worship to God and sing His praises. For these people who are on a continually activated mode, KARMA YOGA is prescribed by the Hindu religion. One is expected to indulge in unceasing activities but without a stake in the result and fruits of his or her actions.
All the Muslim Extremism and Terrorism that has caught the world by its throat is because the Holy Koran does not prescribe KARMA YOGA. It only prescribes Bakhti Yoga or the Yoga of Devotion. So the activated men and women belonging to the Mohammedanism are easily falling prey to the hardcore Terrorists and they are brain-washed and are used as human bombs and toward innumerable ways of Terrorism. But Hinduism takes very good care of people who are fired up with action and are continually on an activated mode and teaches them THE YOGA OF RIGHT ACTION as a means of emancipation.
Like this Gnana Yoga or the Yoga of Wisdom and Raja Yoga take very good care of those who are extremely wisdomatic and given to thoughts of higher nature.
The world’s human beings can thus be divided into the above-mentioned FOUR TYPES. Hinduism alone takes abundant care of each type of human being. There is a saying in Hinduism that there are as many religions as are the people. This is how the Hinduism takes individual care of the spiritual needs of individual persons.
Then let us consider the aspect of the Lord being the Father of this world, moving and unmoving:
God who is the ultimate Authority of the world is naturally Father of the moving. But how can we say He is the Father of the unmoving or insentient? Is He the Father of the earth, the sun, and the moon and all other teeming millions of revolving planets and stars? Yes, because God is pervasive and fills up even the insentient. This idea is peculiar to the Hinduism. The planets and stars are fixed in the heavens or the sky and move according to the rule of mutual attraction. The human beings have a close affinity to the insentient. And the movement of these planets intensely affects the minds and fate of the human beings on the earth! God, so, has created the world as inter-dependent beings and non-beings. He is the natural Father of both the moving and the unmoving.
Lastly, adoration of our Natural Father, the Lord, brings immense self-satisfaction and we are guided by His benedictions and through the inner-voice which we call as Conscience.
{ Dear Friends, you might have read about the storm, by name, Gaja. It affected eight districts in the State of Tamil Nadu, not excluding ours. The storm simply ripped through our small township. Almost all the big trees were simply uprooted and tossed around and there was no electricity for five consecutive days. Though the electric connection has been restored in our town we have to spend the daytime without electricity. They say this condition could be extended several months. As far as the blogs I am writing are concerned I cannot upload my postings as there is no electricity during the daytime. Moreover, the Modem that I use has the Airtel Sim card. Now it has become problematic to upload postings from six ‘O Clock in the morning till six in the evening. I am a late riser. So I’m not able to upload my writings every day. So you must forgive me if there is no posting for days together.}
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