Text in Transliteration:
guroon ahartvaa hi mahaanubhaavaan
sreyo bhoktum
bhaikshyam apee ‘ha loke
hatvaa ‘rthakaamaams tu guroon ihai ‘va
bhunjeeya bhogaan
Text in English:
To eat the beggar’s bread even is far better in this world
than to slay these great-souled masters. But if I kill them, my enjoyment of
wealth and desires in this world itself will be stained with blood.
According to Swamy Chidbhavananda, mahaanubhavans like
Bhishma, Drona and Kripa are held by Arjuna in high veneration. To treat them
all on a sudden is well nigh impossible for him. Instead, he is prepared to
renounce the world and live by eating beggar’s bread even. He further says that
Bhishma is an embodiment of continence. Chastity itself gets defined in this
exemplary person. Self-denial is his life-long austerity. And the Preceptor
Drona is a person of right conduct and a versatile genius. So to treat them as
enemies is impossible for Arjuna.
Sri Krishna does not ask Arjuna to kill them when they are
asleep in their bed-chamber. They have come to give battle to him. Arjuna is a
chatriya, whose duty is to slay the aggressor or get slain by him. Here the
three great souls are arraigned against the righteous Pandavas. But Arjuna
becomes remiss in his duty as a chatriya. In the war Bhishma could kill Arjuna,
the same is the case with Drona and Kripa: that being the case, Arjuna is
speaking his inability to put behind everything and take up his arms and fight
the aggressors.
Moreover, the dharma of a person who has renounced this
world is not an easy one. It is no fixed deposite to fall back upon at a
critical juncture. To renounce the world is not a matter of joke nor a choice
even. You renounce the world because there is nothing that you expect from the
world. But Arjuna has had every thing in the world through his life as a
chatriya, and now he wants to change it in favour of renouncement. Renouncement
is not a matter of choice. It is an inward culture, and men are born that way. Nowadays
we see modern Jet-set Swamys. Not all of them have renounced the world. There is
much fakery and putting on airs involved in this at the present age; a man
becomes a swamy simply by donning the ochre. One need not clad in the ochre to
become a hermit. It is an inward culture in which there is no room for
hesitation and despondency with which Arjuna is stained with. It is a stain for
a person who has renounced the world. He must take the world as it is and try
to do his might to the humanity without any expectation. And not all of them
are indulged in human service after their attainment of renouncement. Many of
them simply live ike a beggar or in solitary caves in the high hills without
coming down and mixing with common folks. So the calling of renouncement is not
for Arnjuna. He is a killer of the vile and who has challenged him. He can
never become a hermit. It is not an ordianary thing to become a renouncer in
favour of seeking God alone. Arjuna has had wives, children and wealth in life.
To renounce them all in the jiffy is not for him, it is just an escapist’s
“rudhiraprdigdhaan” means smeared with blood. Here the
import is that the Pandavas do not want to enjoy the fruits of the war smeared
with the blood of his own achariyas and kinsmen. Here the war is to establish
dharma or righteousness and destruction of the evil persons. The war is not
waged for the country and Pandava’s kingdome back alone. It is to safeguard the
subjects from the tyranny of a heartless man. Arjuna has forgotten all these
things in a sentimental hurry!
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