Friday, 18 March 2016


The Text in Transliteration:
dehino ‘smin yathaa dehe kaumaaram yauvanam jaraa
tathaa dehaantarapraaptir dhiiras tatra na muhyati
The Text in English:
As the indweller in the body experiences childhood, youth and old age in the body, he also passes on to another body. The serene one is not affected thereby.
The atman or soul is called “dehi” because of its having this body. This atman has the childhood, youthfulness, old age, and the decadent stage. These three times or stages are different from each other. When the first stage finishes, atman is not finished off. When the next stage come the atman is not born again. This is how possible? When the first stage is over the atman or soul starts to enjoy the next stage. The same way this atman or soul, after leaving this body, takes another body. The person with knowledge of this fact does not get confused and become despondent.
The knowledgeable will know well that this atman never perishes. They never get confused about this. But some of them are affected by despondency, happiness, heat and cold. These kind of people get doubts about the existence of the atman or soul. This kind of doubts occur when there is a destruction of happiness and despondency is given rise to. This kind of doubts might arise in Arjuna thought Sri Krishna and that was why the next verse.
The atman or soul in the body takes the youthfulness after giving up the childhood. This is the way it takes body’s each stage. Since the atman or soul knows no destruction, the persons with knowledge will not get despondent about the changing of the stages. They might become sorrowful because of the destruction of one of these stages, but they will not get despondent about the destruction of the atman or there is no need for despondency about the destruction of the atman or soul.
Though atman or soul knows no modifications, it takes different bodies because of its karmic effects or effect of the actions in the former births. Though the atman is incarcerated in this body, it uses the very same body to realise itself and become free of the body...
This verse underscores the atman or soul which is free of the body. But, from this, it does not mean the human soul is free of the body....
According to Swamy Sivananda, just as there is no interruption in the passing of childhood into youth and youth into old age in this body, so also there is no interruption by death in the continuity of the ego.the Self is not dead at the termination of the stage, viz., childhood. It is certainly not born again at the beginning of the second stage,  viz., youth. Just as the Self passes unchanged from childhood to youth and form youth to old age, so also the Self passes unchanged from one body into another. Therefore, the wise man is not at all distressed about it.
According to Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, the human being makes himself fit for immortality by passing through a series of births and deaths. The changes in the body do not mean changes in the soul. None of its embodiments is permanent.      ( Cp. Vishnu Smriti: XX, 49.)
According to Swamy Chidbhvananda:
The born one passes through babyhood, youth and old age. It is the same entity that experiences all these changes. It should not be held that the individual that is the baby is quite different from the individual that is the youth. Likewise, the individual that transmigrates from one body into another retains his individuality. The enlightened one sees into this truth and remains unperturbed over death. Conversely, he who disciplines himself to remain unperturbed under all situations prepares himself thereby for enlightenment. Changes pertain to body and changelessness to atman. The knower of this truth is truly enlightened.
Comments by the blogger:
The indestructibility of the soul or Self or atman is agreed upon by one and all. And all the religious Texts agree on this singular point. The enjoyer and the sufferer is the body with the sense of ego and never the soul or self. This is made clear in the Gita which is the essence of the Upanishads. For a Christian and a Muslim, there is but one birth and after the death of this body, the atman or Self go either to heaven or the hell. But they agree upon the imperishable nature of atman. The Hinduism is derided for many things; among them is the belief in rebirths. Will a father or mother give the child only one chance to pass a test which is life is all about? How cruel indeed it would be of the parents who give their baby or child only one chance for a pass in a test? In that sense, the world is no more the sport of Eshwar, but perversion.
There is an anecdote about the Sri Kanchi kamakoti peetadhibar, Sri Sri Periyaval or  Chandrasekarendra Saraswati. A white man or woman came to the saint of Kanchi and asked about the Hindu belief in rebirths. And He directed the person, a journalist, to go to the Government Hospital and visit the Labour Ward, and take the count of the babies born in the last 24 hours and the differences between them. And the next day the chastened journalist came with the list, and the saint just asked why should some babies should be very ugly to look upon or deformed even, while many babies are beautiful? Why some babies have been born to rich parents while some babies’ parents are very poor? Shouldn’t there be a reason for this?
So far as I know, except in the Hinduism, in the Christian and Mohammedan isms the men and women are that way in the hell and heaven. Why this disparity. Wouldn’t God be the cruellest person or Being if he were to give us only one chance to get at our salvation despite the illusory pulls according to the Hinduism and the Satan’s pull in the other two?
We should think deep about it. The atman is indestructible. And its very nature is Godliness and oneness with God. We are individual points of Godly expression. Samsaaraa is the ocean and this comprises of maya or illusion, kama or desire and karma or action. Samskaaraa is the unit of measurement to measure up our doings and even thoughts’ value. And an umpteenth number of rebirths are given to the embodied soul to script its salvation. The deeper you go into the question, the greater is you amazement about the Truth. 

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