Saturday, 16 April 2016


Text in Transliteration:
daarena hy avaram karma buddhiyogaad dhanamjaya
buddhau saranam anviccha krpanaah phalahetavah
Text in English:
Motivated karma is, O Dhananjaya, far inferior to that performed in the equanimity of mind; take refuge in the evenness of he mind; wretched are the result seekers.

A porter carries the luggage of a railway passenger from one platform to another. A co-passenger also carries for him one or two bundles of his, with a helpful attitude. Though the action is the same for the porter and the co-passenger their attitudes differ widely. The one works for a wage and the other for love. The wage-earner remains a cooly while the other evolves in mind. The majority in the world work like the wage-earner and make themselves wretched. But a few work for duty’s sake expecting nothing in return. They ever assume the role of a giver and never that of a grabber. The more the water from a well is bailed out, the more fresh water sprouts in it. The more a man acts for duty’s sake seeking nothing in return, the more he grows in yoga.
Action done with evenness of min is yoga of wisdom. The yogi who is established in the yoga of wisdom is not affected by success or failure. He does not seek fruits of his actions. He has poised reason. His reason is rooted in the Self. Action performed by one who expects fruits for his actions, is far inferior to the yoga of wisdom wherein the seeker does not seek fruits; because the former leads to bondage and is the cause of birth and death.
Comments by the blogger:
In both the verses 48 and 49 the Lord addresses Arjuna as Dananjaya or conqueror of wealth. There is a marked reason for it. The Lord exhorts continuous action in both the verses, but they should not be motivated by expectation of fruits thereof. Arjuna has already indulged in such actions. He conquered many small kings and plunder the locked up treasure and used them for the common wheel. So, Arjuna is not a stranger to such buddhi yoga or action of wisdom or wisdom in action. So only, in both verses the Lord makes him remember Arjuna’s ability and worth. He has the capacity to and spiritual calibre to indulge in such yoga.
Ok, now, to the mundane question: can’t a guy work honestly for his and his family’s sustenance? Is it a sin? Should one always look out for others? Can every body act and live like Florence Nightingale, Mother Teresa and Mahatma Gandhi?
Nope! Never is the answer.
But the scheme of the universe is that one need not one’s all wakeful time in self aggrandizement and can easily live like a sparrow. The sparrow never ploughs, never sows seeds, never waters, never wheedles and yet it gets it’s share of food for self and the mate and the chicks. This is the law of the universe. We need not try to live like the corporate barons and the cine stars. But the King Janaka lived a renounced life. A butcher could live selfless life and lead a spiritual life. The universe is wired much as our body. Not one individual cell of our body is extraneous to it. The blood flows for the benefit of all the individual organs, limbs and tissues and cells. The whole universe is wired that way. Whether we agree or not we derive greater piece of mind and inner happiness when we take time to work for others. That kind of happiness is just a drop in the ocean of ‘ananda’ or immortal and everlasting happiness one derives by living solely for others like the above said great souls. By gradation we are moving toward that state of existence only. Even selfish action is better than non-action, according to the previous verse. But any action stained with selfishness is limited in its power to sustain us and lead us toward our salvation.
So, though we might not live like a Mahatma Gandhi, we might try to help as often as we can toward the common wheel. A doctor can easily prosper by leading his life as the servant of humanity at the same time earn wealth. But the limited amount of wealth will be worth every penny in sterling pound. But even at this stage, the same doctor must come back to this earth after his death to give to the society much more than he had given at the last innings.
A lawyer could lead a service-minded life and at the same time earn moderately and live peacefully and happily. An engineer build for love and affection, and in the same breath, earn money. That would be worth in tons of gold in heaven. But he too must come back to this earth after spending much time in heaven to pick up the thread of selfless service.
This is what great commentators like Swami Chidbhavananda mean that evolution on physical plane might have come to an end, but man should continue to evolve in his mind and until the complete salvation is attained, the individual human beings continue to evolve in mind through thousands of rebirths.
This idea of rebirth is unique to the Hinduism. This is the scheme of the universe. God is full of kindness. We will not give just one chance to our children to prove their worth in their play. Then how could God, who is full of compassion, give us just one innings and expect us to evolve completely, or be damened in Hell for ever. No, God gives us the choice to do this way or that way and the number of rebirth is solely in our hands. Having tossed us in the SAMSAARA  He stands aside and looks on, and with the choice we play our life, and the Lord just looks on, and if we pray, He gives us what we deserve. Even for the atheists and agnostics the Nature and this Universe has been wired in such a way, that if we seek we will attain our seeking. But devotion comes easily and when a devout person seeks, his seeking gets reinforced by the Nature or prakrity according to the scheme of this universe. The prayer is nothing but a powerful thought. Any powerful thought, even when not direct at our Lord, is capable of fetching the results.
But living for the others solely comes to us as a way of life at some point of time in the millennial management of the Universe by the Lord. And all of us, willy-nilly, move towards that state of consciousness only. The question is when we will, at which number of re-birth, we will, individually evolve into such persons.

So it is only a question of millennial time!     

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