Saturday, 9 April 2016


Text in Transliteration:
ne ‘haa ‘bhikrmanaaso ‘sti pratyavaayo na vidyate
svalpam apy asya dharmasya traayate mahato bhayaat
Text in English:
    In this there is no loss of attempt; nor is there any adverse effect. The practice of even a little of this dharma protects one from great fear.
   If the construction of a house be not completed with roofing, all that is so far done goes to waste. If the raising of a crop be not gone through with harvesting, the endeavours so far made become fruitless. But the partial practice of yoga does not suffer from any disadvantages of these kinds. Even a fragmentary application of it has its corresponding benefit just as a day’s food has its own nourishment. If a wrong medicine be administered to a patient, instead of its healing the disease, it may lead to the decease of the person. The practice of yoga is not fraught with any danger of this kind. Any little practiced of it, gives to that extent a glimpse into the nature of Atman. The fear of death is the greatest of all. As Atman is being understood this fear ceases.
No step is lost, every moment is a gain. Every effort in the struggle will be counted as a merit.
If a religious ceremony is left uncompleted, it is a wastage as the performer cannot realize the fruits. But it is not so in the case of Karma Yoga because every action causes immediate purification of heart.
In agriculture there is uncertainty. The farmer may till the land, plough and sow the seed; but he may not get a crop if there is no rain. This is not so in Karma Yoga. There is no uncertainty at all. Further, there is no chance of any harm coming out of it. In the case of medical treatment great harm will result from the doctor’s injudicious treatment if he uses a wrong medicine. But it is not so in the case of Karma Yoga. Anything done, however little it may be, in this path of yoga, the yoga f action, saves one from great fear of being caught in the wheel of birth and death. Lord Krishna here extols Karma Yoga in order to create interest in Arjuna in this yoga.
Comments by the blogger:
There is no loss of attempt; there is no fear of adverse effect; and there is a great merit in this yoga: it saves one from great fear. Even a little of this yoga saves one from great fear!
Now what is meant by yoga here?
Sri Krishna first taught the endlessness of the Atman. The imperishable character of the Self. The immortality of the Soul. Then He goes to the task of putting the theory into practice or action.
So he teaches this Karma Yoga to Arnjuna and us.
Karma Yoga consists of doing and carrying out our self-ordained duties or swadharma without expectation of the fruits thereof.
Every action carry good or bad reaction according as we do it with the particular mentality. Reading and gathering knowledge is good. But reading the errotic books is bad. Both consist of reading only. The books themselves are not good or bad, though we attach importance to the Scriptural books as distinguished by the weekly magazines and daily news papers. We would never sell the Gita book knowing full well it would be torn and used to wrap up the savouries like the processed ground nuts or peanuts! But will it be a sin to sell the books containing Scriptural Texts? Even great renouncers of the world, the hermits and the wandering monks attaché some importance to their kamendala or vessel bearing pooja water! But we have no compunction in selling the old newspapers and magazines. Many a time, they contain the pictures of important people, bad people and Gods’ and Goddesses’ pictures. Do we have any compunction? It all relates to the way in which we treat them. The papers used to print the Scriptures are not more meritorious in terms of holiness than the papers used to print erotic pictures and stories. The quality of the paper may differ, the auspicious quality is discussed here.
No action is good or bad in itself. Elsewhere the great Swami Chidbhavananda would say that the same light issuing forth from a lamp may be used to read a Scriptural text or to plan and plot murder or other crime. The action of lighting up a lamp in itself is neither good nor bad!
Karma Yoga consists of doing our duty without expectation of the fruits thereof.
In this yoga, there is no loss, no room for fear.
Then what is the problem in practising this yoga? Our ego is the problem. If our child obtains a centum in a paper, we want to proclaim the news from the rooftop. If it bunks, we kill the child with a withering look. Mental equanimity is not for us. This blogger is infamous and notorious for the lack of mental equanimity! But, anyhow, more than fifteen years of reading Gita and other Scriptures have given me a modicum thereof. We are all the victims of the lack of mental equanimity. But there are people among us who are very satvic and treat the good and bad tides almost as though with a complete indifference! They are the blessed lot, indeed!
That apart, I view the life itself as a performance of yoga. If we are blessed, we carry out our duties in the spirit of Karma Yoga, and others like me go through life mostly as the tide’s dragging power.
If the world can be seen both as a thought and matter, the life in this world may be treated as yoga, whether we are conscious of it or not.
Any act we carry our, when left unfinished, we have to come back here to start it from where we left off. And if we indulged in our daily activities with the usual ego-sense, then we have to come back here both to reap the good and bad of our doings in this life. So, life is both yoga and meditation.
How can it called a meditation?
When we consciously indulge in meditation, we first use to be indifferent to the cropping up of all the unwanted thoughts and imaginations in continuous waves. To the extent we are indifferent to them, and keep our concentration fixed on the inward chanting of OM and the lotus feet of the Lord, we can attaine emancipation quickly, even during one life time.
Likewise, even the ordinary people like me go through life in a state of meditation only. Please, there need not be any doubt about this. But the difference is we are deviating ourselves mostly in giving ourselves to needless activities and thoughts. So the number of rebirths gets increased. But even this process is a meditation in the sense that we tend to shed favourite activities and likes through the evolution that happens inwardly. This is how, while some people can go through life with the minimum of wants and necessities, for others till the last breath is sucked out there are wants and desires.
This is how people are born with the preponderating satvic or rajasi or tamasic guna or mentality or nature and natural inclination. This is why, I firmly hold, while this world can be seen both as a thought and matter, this life itself is a continuous process of meditation.
Then why should we indulge in Karma Yoga and Meditation?
Sri Babaji’s disciple is Lahiri Mahasaya, and his disciple is Sri Yukteshwarar Giri, and his own disciple is the celebrated yogi, and the author of the famous autobiography, namely, “An Autobiography of a Yogi” and the author’s name is Sri Paranhansa Yogananda. He says we do one kriya in “kriya yoga” with one indrawn breath and the outgoing breath. This is possible only to the Man with vertical back bone. Whether we are conscious of the “Kriya Yoga” or not, we indulge in this yoga in life. All of us! But if we indulge in the proper method, and perform one “kriya” or one cycle of indrawn and outgoing breath, we transcend many a human rebirths of a healthy human being!
Thus we are all yogis! While they travel at the rocket’s speed toward the Almighty, we travel on a bullock cart towards the infinity!
But yogis are we all! Nothing could detract from this fact.
Now think what great comfort should accrue to a conscious yogi!
This is how, even a little of KARMA YOGA  saves us from great fear! There is no peril in this yoga. If a yogi dies at a particular point of time, then he would come back to pick up the thread and start off from the stage of karma yoga he had left off!
The same is the case of the ordinary man’s life. But by consciously doing the yoga, we may avoid having to be born a beast or a plant with lesser ingenuity to perform yoga. But they too are moving, in their own way, toward the Maker! Why should we court materialism and indulge in acts which me elongate the duration of our mingling with our God?

Moreover, by the same principle, it may be fearlessly held, that, a reader of the Bhagavat Gita or some other Scriptures with faith would ensure a human birth at the next innings, because we have to continue with the reading from where we left off in this innings, no?

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