Text in Transliteration:
vyavasaayaatmikaa buddhir eke ‘ha kuru nandana
bahushaakyaa hy anantaas cha buddhayo ‘vyavasaayinaam
Text in English:
To the firm-in-mind,
O joy of the Kurus, there is in this but one decision: many branching and
endless are the decisions of the infirm-in-mind.
A number of
students work at a problem in mathematics. Wrong answers they get are
numberless and they are constantly shifting. But when the right answer is
arrived at by a smart student, he no more deviates from it. Earthly hankering
are innumerable and people go on changing constantly from one to another. But to
the seeker of the Divine the purpose is one and all endeavours are concentrated
on it.
Firmness in mind comes to the one who learns concentration,
which is serviceable both to the sacred and the secular. When the divergent
sunbeams are focussed with the aid of a lens to one point, their powers of heat
and light get intensified. Ignition of a combustible thing then becomes
possible. Even so, the mind trained in concentration can both know and do a
thing to perfection.
It was possible for Arjuna alone, among the disciples of
Drona, to shoot his arrow successfully at a target within a grove. His success
was entirely due to concentration.
When Swami Vivekananda was in America, he had an occasion to
watch a few students practising shooting. Their target was three or four egg
shells tethered to float and dance on the rustling brook. The failure of all of
them brought a smile on the lips of the swami. The provoked youths challenged
the ability of this strange observer. Handling a gun for the first time in
life, the Swami shot and smashed the shell that he aimed at. “The secret of
success lies in concentration,” said he when the others wondered how he could
achieve it at the very first attempt, as claimed by him.
Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose, the famous scientist,
demonstrated to the world that all the feeling and sensations found in man are
in the plants as well. When questioned as to how he could probe into that
mystery, he replied, “To know all about the plants I became myself a plant
mentally.” He meant to say that unknown becomes known through concentration and
Reaching Godhood, the hardest of all, is possible to none
but the firm-in-mind. The one-pointed devotion of the Gopi, Srimati Radha to
Sri Krishna illustrates this fact. Her mind and sense organs function
exclusively for the communion with Sri Krishna. All her mentations are directed
to Him. Whatever her eyes see are all associated with Him. the ears ever bring
to her messages pertaining to her Darling.
The food she eats comes from Him. His grace is her life. Another extraordinary
phenomenon presents itself through this milk-maid. When the mind gets fully
concentrated the sense organs assume new powers. They are able to function one
for the other. The melody emanates from Sri krishna’s flute; it comes floating
in the air until it contacts Radha’s ears. Instantaneously her mind becomes the
receiving as well as the broadcasting instrument of that sound. The within and
the without become one symphony. According to her experience as the
all-pervading Nada-brahmam, Sri Krishna alone is contacted at all levels. There
is nothing strange in her ears sensing the Sound-Reality; the olfactory sense
experiences the fragrance in It; consistent with its capacity the sense of
touch feels the presence of the Sound-Reality; and the tongue tastes the
Sound-Reality in its own way. All the five senses together pay homage in their
respective ways to the Sound-Reality which is Sri Krishna. A concentrated mind
opense realms of the Reality unknown to the ordinary. Through one-pointedness,
realization of the Reality and at-one-ment with It is possible. This exalted
state can be attained by means of Samkhya and yoga merging into one. The one
who is firm-in-mind is therefore the best among men.
The discursiveness of the irresolute buddhis is contrasted
with the concentration, the single-mindedness of the resolute. Human life finds
its fulfilment through self-devotion to a commanding end and not in the
unfettered pursuit of endless possibilities. One-pointedness has to be acquired
by cultivation. Distraction is our natural condition from which we have to be
freed but bot by the mysticisms of nature or sex, race or nation but by a
genuine experience of Reality. Single-mindedness backed by such an experience is
a supreme virtue and cannot be twisted to fanaticism.
Here, in this path to
Bliss there is only one thought of a resolute nature; there is single-minded
determination. This single thought arises from the right source of knowledge. The
student of Yoga collects all the dissipated rays of the mind. He gathers all of
them through discrimination, dispassion and concentration. He is free from
wavering or vacillation of the mind.
The worldly-minded man who is sunk in the mire of Samsara
has no single-minded determination. He entertains countless thoughts. His mind
is always unsteady and vacillating.
If thought cease, Samsara also ceases. Mind generates
endless thoughts and this world comes into being. Thoughts, and names and forms
are inseparable. If the thoughts are controlled, the mind is controlled and the
Yogi is liberated.
Comments by the blogger:
Concentration is not an art, but a proven science. Without it
nothing is possible. You just look at the predatory animals like the puma or
lioness of tiger, when they stalk their prey! The satellite channels showing such
scenes are simply amazing. Even for very ordinary animals like the house lizards
indulge in this kind of stalking, which is nothing but concentration. We are
stalked by the mosquitoes. Have you ever watched them how they stalk us? Mostly
animals use their best of concentration to get food and during the season their
mates. But concentration is not an art, it is a science. Those animal species
which concentrated best could adopt in succeeding births the techniques as well
as the limbs to last in the changing world in agreement with the changing
climes. This is called by Charles Darwin as Natural Selection. Nature alone
does not select, the species themselves concentrate and this is also known as
adaptation to the surrounding environment.
So concentration is a matter of survival for all the species
of the animal kingdom.
But Man is a higher animal; a thinking animal with high
When the ancient Rishis and Sages of Rig-Vedic India
concentrated, it grew in to a science first, later degraded into different
sects of religion. Even among the religions of the world there could be said to
be going on a Natural Selection in which the Hindu Way of Life stands first. It
is founded not on any superficiality or a life of a single Man, but purely on
concentration, which was segregated into four Yogas in the Gita by Sri Krishna!
Yoga and meditation is nothing but pure science, in the
sense, if a Muslim or a Christian perform Yoga and indulge in meditation, he is
sure to attain Nirvana or Kaivalya Moksha. This is proof enough isn’t it? It is
not enough that the Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi has influenced the world
community to observe a world day for yoga. It is principally known and understood
by the world community as a form of keeping the body and mind fit. That is an
art. But Yoga is not an art, it is pure science. But the PM’s efforts at
introducing yoga in schools are stoutly disputed on religious grounds. The secular
Indians can be purchased by other religions by money and other inducements
because there are enabling provisions in the Indian Constitution. This is the
only country where the majority cannot even freely talk and practise their
religion without criticism from others. Open some TV channels and much offensive
criticism is going on about the Hindus’ non observance of the sabbatical and
instead segregate the weekends for celebrations and observances.
Concentration is a
science and a gift given to the world some four-five thousand years ago by the
Hindu Sages and Saints. Let yoga be introduced in schools and prohibition be
observed through out India. Otherwise we would lose our youths to the unashamed
pursuit of materialism. If we can’t save our religion and our youths the world
will suffer in the ultimate analysis.
Acharya Kripalani, one of the famous followers of the
Mahatma Gandhi, famously said that if he were the PM of India, he would
announce Yoga as part of the educational system and the pepper soup as the
National drink!
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