Text in Transliteration:
sahayajnaah prajaah srstvaa puro ‘vaacha prajaapatih
anena prasavisyadhvam esha vo ‘stv ishta kaama dhuk
Text in English:
Having created mankind in the beginning together with Yajna,
the Prajapati said: “By this shall you propagate; this shall be the mich cow of
your desires.”
The creative force of nature is an aspect of Iswara.
Manifesting Himself in this pspect He governs and guides human destiny. Then He
is known as Prajapati.
Life on earth is wrought with misery, however much man may
pose to be free from it. Still, there is
an unfailing way to convert earthly life into a ‘mansion of mirth.’ When all
activities in life are changed in to Yajna, the spectacle also undergoes a corresponding
change. Man is born to give and not to grab. The grabbing man pays the penalty
in the form of misery; the giver reaps the reward in the form of undiluted joy.
The means to give somehow increases in the man who has a mind to give.the
resources, the bodily effort and the mental disposition—all these become
multiplied in the man of Yajna. His life flowers in being useful to others and
fruts in enlightenment.
Kaamadhuk is also called kaamadhenu. It is a mythological
milch cow, having a woman’s head, a cows body and a bird’s wings. The usefulness
of the human, the beast and the bird are all combined in it. The owner of this
divine cow is belived to have all his wants immediately supplied. Allegorically
this milch cow is nothing other than Yajna. The doer of Hajna is never in
wants; he is always in
affluence.whatever he wants to offer to others comes to him easily. His bounteous
mind is the real kaamadhenu. Because of this frame of mind he is ever in
prosperity. Preyas and Sreyas do both pay homage to him. this is the plan and
purpose of Cosmos.
Kamadhuk is the mythical cow of indra form which one can get
all one desires. Bu doing one’s allotted duty one can be saved.
Prajapati is the Creator or Hrahma. Kamadhuk is another name
for the damadhenu. Kamadhenu is the cow of Indra fom whci everyone can milk whatever
one desires. (Cf. VIII. 4; IX.24m 27l X. 25)
Comments of the blogger:
Desires had to be shuned as being bounding the soul to this
earth plane, with no way of emancipation in sight. In this verse, desire is
sublimated. True desire is to do good to others, which is called inward culture
or inward Yajna or yagya or sacrifice. The Creator created beings along with
sacrifice is one of the original thought for emancipation Hinduism has
contributed to the world. True Gesus Christ says if your neighbour takes your
shirt, let him have your coat too. But the sacrifice contemplated here is one
of self giving. Giving oneself. Thus the creator in the beginning created
mankind with Yajna and said, with this you propagate. This shall be your milch
cow kamadhenu of Indra which gave whatever one wants and desires. If we have
such a beast, we would not care for anything. For we are comfortable with the
possession of all-giving beast, the milch cow. Yajna is glorified in such
glowing form by the Lord. Sacrifice when internalized becomes a force to reckon
with. It gives all that needs to sacrifice without much of an exertion. Sacrifice
is the key to cut asunder this bondage to nature is the original thought and
contribution to the world for self –emancipation-tool. We can obtain our self
only by giving up all here. Thus sacrifice ones life and body even is extolled as
the proper method. We must live for others. When our lifestyle becomes firmly one of unstinted
giving which is spoken of sacrifice in the Upanishadic parlance, we have no
stack here , and we become fully in possession of our Self. The creator created
both mankind and sacrifice together and said by this you propagate, and let it
be the Kamadhenu of Indira—is a most original contribution to the word thinking
by the Hinduism. No other religion comes anywhere near this. That was why, when
the Mohammadans and then the British people ruled this country and plunder it
beside indulging in shameless acts of recruiting Hindus to their religion with
force, the highest spiritual masters of Hinduism did not rouse the people
against them. For them the encroachers and colonial folks too were their
brothers and sisters. And if the mass of India had to work out their individual
karma in the kurukchetra, so be it! That was their unconcerned concern. Otherwise,
there were great maters who could have driven the aliens with the utterance nay
with the thinking of one single thought, “Go!”
No they did not considered the Hindus as their people and
the religious converters and the alien rulers as different. Now India is slowly
becoming the power to reckon with. We were under the Italian yolk for ten
years. Now the son of the soil has come to power and the dynasty is petrified.
India is slowly evolving into a super power. Soon India, with its vedhopanishad
background, would show the way for the world countries. Knowing this
transformation some hundred or two hundred years ago, our religious masters did
not interfere in the slow evolution. This India. This spirit and thinking
pattern is Indian solely.
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