Sunday, 29 May 2016


Text in Transliteration:
annaad bhavanti bhootaani parjanyaad annasmbhavah
yajnaad bhavati parjnah karmasamudbhavah
Text in English:
From food beings become; from rain is food produced; from yajna rain proceeds; Yajna is born of karma.
Work performed with the right frame of mind gets converted into Yagja (sacrifice). The effect of that work assumes a subtle force which in the Vedic parlance is known as “apurva” (apoorva). This point can be clarified through two concrete examples. The sun converts the sea water in the invisible vapour which is equivalent to “apurva”. In its turn the vapour becomes rain. The rubbish consigned to fire changes itself into the invisible carbon dioxide. It is “apurva” in this state. It then forms food to the plants assimilated by their leaves. Similarly man’s “yajna” changes into mental force which alone in reality is “apurva”. The syllables chanted in “Yajna” do not themselves become mantras or mental forces. It is the thought or the feeling that really constitutes the mental force—“mantra”. The purer the man and his motive, the stronger is the mental force. It is the intensity of the force of mind that becomes “apurva”. Influenced and regulated by it the rainfall occurs to people on earth. The production of grains for food depends on the availability of water caused by rain. That beings thrive on food , is self-evident.
Here “Yajna” (sacrifice) means “Apurva” or the subtle principle or the unseen form which a sacrifice assumes between the time of its performance and the time when its fruits manifest themselves.
Karma: Action, Brahmodbhavam: arisen from the injunctions of the Vedas.
Text in Transliteration:
karma brahmodbhavam viddhi
   brahmaa ‘ksharasamudbhavam
tasmaat sarvagatam brahma
   nityam yajne pratishthitam
Text in English:
Know karma to have risen from the Veda, and the Veda from the Imperishable. The all-pervading Veda is, therefore, ever centred in Yajna.
The phenomenon-jagat constituted of the three Gunas is known as Brahma or as Veda. It is also constituted of time, space and causation. This manifested universe expands into infinitude. It is therefore designated as all-pervading. Having come out of Brahman the Supercosmic Intelligence, this cosmos itself beams with intelligence . for this reason it is styled as Veda. This phenomenon is again in a constant state  of flux. As such, karma and the somos are equated. When karma is performed perfectly and with the best of motives it becomes “Yagna”. Eating for example may be done as an act of glorifying the Divinty enshrined in one. Living itself is turned into “Yajna” when directed to the service of the Divine. An earthly government becomes ideal when all people are law abiding.on a higher level still, when people take to the performance of “Yajna”, the functioning of the universe itself become elevated and sublime. The universe is therefore started to be ever centred in “Yajna”. It is possible for man to convert the earth into heaven. And sacrifice is the sure means to it. The scheme of Nature is verily centred on “Yajna”
Action is rooted in the imperishable. But for the action of the Supreme, the world will fall into ruin. The world is a great sacrifice. We read in the Rig-Veda (X, 90) that the one Purusha was offered as a sacrifice and his limbs were scattered to all the quartes of space. By this great sacrifice, the world,s pattern is kept up. Action is a moral as well as a physical necessity for embodied beings.
Brahma is also taken to  be prakti as in XIV, 3-4. Nature springs from the Divine and the entire activity of the worl is traceable to it.
Brahma may mean “Veda”. Just as the breath comes out of a man, so also the Veda is the breath of the imperishable or the omniscient . the Veda ever rests in the sacrifice, i.e., it deals chiefly with sacrives and the ways of their performance . (Cf. IV, 24to 32)
Comments by the blogger:
From food beings, all the flower and fauna come into existence, for food rain is important. And the rain always proceeds from Yajna and karma gives birth to Yajna. And Karma which begets Yajna comes into being from the Veda, and the Veda comes into being from Braman, and thus Veda is , therefore, ever centred in Yajna.
This universe itself is the Veda and all the actions done or suffered by beings and nonbeing are that of Ishwara. Every action is that of Ishwara. Ishwara’s actions are called “Yajna”. Dr. S.Radhkrishnan cites the Rig-Veda which says this whole world is a sacrifice or Yagna. The Brahman’s body and scattered limbs are the planets and living and non-living beings. Even a rock is Brahman. All the flowers and fauna are Brahman indeed. The Hindus have a habit: inside and outside the family and the market places, even if inadvertently one’s foot comes in to contact of another human being’s body, they would touch that person, even if he be a perfect stranger, with the hand and then touch their forehead to the chanting of the Name of the Lord like Eeshwara, Siva. It is not the equivalent of “sorry!” other religious people say by way of apologizing; here, for a Hindu no question of apology, but they would treat the body as God’s own limb and touch them reverently to the accompaniment of the chanting of the Lord’s Name. This occurs even in the family of abjectly ignorant and impoverished Hindu’s family.
This word, when seen as a beautiful thought, there is no action for that “muni” or ascetic and he does not care about anything except Ishwara inside him, in the “hrdyakuhya”—the cave in the chest, next to the heart. But for all the persons for whom this world is real, then the world is Brahman and all actions inhere in Him or takes place in Him. we are just the media or agents of action or suffering action.
So Arjunan must act as an agent of the Lord and indulge in His action. “By their conduct, they have already been done to death, Arjuna, you just be an agent in my hands and just go through the motion and slay them, your sworn enemies. And as far as the great people worthy of veneration like the Acharya Drona and Bhishma they are past masters and the world’s illusion would have no effect on them. Slay them too!”
From food beings arise and for food rain is necessary and rain occurs as a result of Yajna and the Yajna itself is born of Karma.
British Indian History is notorious for Bengal famine. Famines always occur where the people are indulging in unworthy or unbecoming action which does not amount to Yajna. Famine was a punishment like the earthquake, though there are scientific reasons for them like the tectonic shifts, even as there are scientific reason for the seasons and the day and night!

India suffered and still suffers because of the crass material pursuits by the later Brahmines who had become lackadaisical and used the karma kanda of the Vedas to spread superstitions for their own somnolent benefit. They set their eyes on a easy going life. Lord Buddha’s Avatar happened to chide them and impart some discipline. But we, the inheritors of such supreme Vedic culture, are still suffering because of the great Brahmines as a race washed their hands off us. Everything was done by great and costly sacrifice. Tantras were used for worldly purposes. Supertiotions and fears were sold to the nonplussed people as well as the kings. Both the kings and ordinary people suffered under the unbecoming inheritors of the Vedic Culture, and thus good actions and Yajnas could not be done the nation over. So the Mohammedans came and did great disservice to the Hindus, besides reqruiting Hindus under the sward to their religion, and then British people came. With the result, the glorious India, which was the super economic power of the period some five hundred years ago, began suffering under Bengal Famine like famines and other furies of nature. Under Modi’s regime there has come a chance to redeem India and the ancient Indian Vedic culture, which did not know anything about castes. And the four varnas were nebulous and had not become rigid. The Italian dynasty held sway even after Independence for well over ten years. Before that Nehru Gandhi dynasty ruled. At last the county breathes the real freedom. It is for Mr. Narandra Modi to take the country to its economic and cultural super power stage it occupied before a century when Gaudama, the Buddha was born!  

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